How to choose your partner to have a threesome dating


Considered to be one of the most fascinating sexual behavior among people, a threesome is often seen as a taboo in the past. With the development of the sexual liberation movement, people are more open to a threesome than ever before. Many couples, swingers and singles fantasize about having a threesome with strangers and some of them have put it into practice. However, a lot of people have failed in a threesome because of wrong partner they date with, so choosing a suitable partner for a threesome is essential for everyone.

1.  The first advice for you is that never inviting your close friends to join you. Some people think it is a good idea to have a threesome with their best friends but, in fact, things always go to the other way. A pleasant friendship can be destroyed by jealousy arising in a threesome party because of the role change.

2. Remember you joining threesome for fun or swinger lifestyle. Undoubtedly, people prefer to make love with handsome & pretty, whatever men or women. So, trying your best to get a pretty face partner is a good way to please yourself in a threesome or swinger.

3. Safety first. It is of great importance to prevent yourself from being infected with viruses such as herpes, HIV or other STDs. Although you can protect yourself by using a condom in a threesome, dating with a healthy partner can minimize the risk of infection.

4. Meet high quality people on line. There are lots of online swingers dating apps in the market for people to arrange their threesome lives from which you can pick one to take use of. It is easy to get in touch with like-minded couples, swingers and singles who share the same interest with you.

5. If you are a couple, you two should discuss openly about the type of threesome or swinger lifestyle you prefer. In general, men love to have sex with two women and women are willing to engage in a FMF threesome or swinger. To enjoy the husband or the wife is the question you need to reach an agreement in advance.

6. Mention what you want and what you can do for your partners. Threesome is based on a mutual benefit wherein all the people involved are fully satisfied by each other. Therefor, you need to mention your requirements and try to fulfill your partner’s desire at the same time.


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